Team Cul de Sac - Book and Art Auction
One of my most favorite comic strips is Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson. I'm proud to announce that my artwork was selected for inclusion in a book that was created to pay tribute to Richard Thompson and help raise money to find a cure for Parkinson's Disease. The book includes artwork by many amazing comic artists, including Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes!! Click here to see the Team Cul De Sac book on Amazon Check out the "look inside" feature to see some of the pages, including mine! This is a very cool compilation and I'm very proud to be one of the contributing artists. There is also an auction of the original artwork featured in the book... Click here to bid on my original painting of a fish-slapping bear I usually sell my paintings for a lot more then the current bid so this is a good opportunity to get a deal on one of my paintings and help raise money for a good cause. If you like comics please consider buying a copy of...