
Showing posts from August, 2013

Arty4ever Autumn Art Events!

I'm participating in a number of  awesome art events this fall! Come see the new paintings I've been working on and bring along some fun money to treat yourself and your loved ones to some offbeat artwork! Mark your calendar now... Sunday Sept. 8 Adams Morgan Day Festival Belmont Rd and 18th St NW Washington, DC 10am - 7pm The Adams Morgan Day Festival  Art is held on the second Sunday in September.  Live music on five stages,  d ance performances and workshops,  k ids activities , international food, and...  Arts on Belmont  - A shaded residential block full of original artisans! Sept. 4 - Oct. 5 Artomatic @Frederick: 115 E. Church St Frederick, MD 21701 This 5 week event features hundreds of artists and performers and is always amazing! Friday Sept. 6 Artist Night is Sept. 6th from 6pm - 9pm Saturday Sept. 28 I'll be at the Artomatic Marketplace on Sept. 28th from 10am - 4pm ...